Update: I've since greatly expanded on the below video into a full movie length video delving into related subjects in much more detail then a 10 minute youtube video would allow. Please check it out in 5 parts on my vimeo account here when you get a chance.
This post is just meant to compliment my first video project - yes, it was about time wasn't it? Due to technical difficulties, any videos I make will be few and far between. I actually built my computer probably right before Window$-XP was released (9-10 years ago), so as you can imagine, it's pretty much dinosauric by current standards. I have to compile all the bits on another computer which I only have limited access to. So, hopefully nobody wants me to continue making videos and I can just forget about it, otherwise I need to build a new computer soon!
For this experiment, I decided to cover some themes already discussed here, specifically those in my post The Numbers Game. I also wanted to see how the medium of video would allow me to possibly present the information in a way which might have more impact than tiny white text on a black background mixed with some large pictures in-between. I'm still learning how to use the program (which is technically a music making program, not a video specific proggy), so don't expect to be blown away. (Boy, the quality really suffers during the upload process! I guess the computer I had to use to make the videos (which is 4-5 times faster than mine) is still not good enough for quality videos.) The "Special Features" are found below the movie.
"Study your math, kids. It's the key to the universe."
- The Angel Gabriel, in The Prophecy
- The Angel Gabriel, in The Prophecy
So, here's the movie until it gets removed:
done? good, now watch it again!
In Pi, there are two sets of "216" numbers. One was shown in the video, and incase it was hard to see, here it is again (along with the second "216 number" from the movie); the extra 23 and 32 are marked in red, along with the vertical 666:
I had to cut this bit out to keep the length of the video below 10 minutes, so continuing from "If you add every number from 1 thru 36, it equals 666." The Magic Square of the Sun is numbered from 1 to 36. Each of it's 6 rows and columns add to 111, and 111x6=666. The Magic Square of the Sun also has another numerical relation to 666. There are 9 "squares" of 4 numbers each, all adding to 74, 9x74=666. I haven't done a synchro-wiki page on 74 yet, but here's on one 47 if you're interested.
9 x 74 = 666
After Pi came LOST, which many think is a representation of Purgatory, Hell, Heaven, or even a video game. I've seen a speech given by one of the writers for LOST who explained his writing stratedgy with a sealed box with a question mark on it (meditate on that!). The previous season ended with the indication that a couple of ancient gods are playing some sort of game against eachother. It seems reminiscent of the movie The Nines, where, if God was a 10, the protagonist was a 9 and had created 90 parallel over-lapping realities to play around in (in one, he was a video game designer, and a creator of a television series in another). He is one of the "gods" who had forgotten where he came from, and became stuck in his fantasy world. In one scene, he sits at his table with a painting of a 72 behind him. The numbers add to 9 of course, but it's an interesting number to find, along with a "17" hit in the movie as well. (Check out 17 at the synchro-wiki) There's some audio clips from The Nines in my video incase you were wondering why I mention it.
The Prophecy starred Virginia Madsen (Virgin Mary?) who was the wife of Jim Carrey's character in The Number 23. The Prophecy is about a second angel war in heaven over the angel's jealousy of Man and his soul. The indication is that Man is even better than Angel. Some theories of "Man's Fall" (Lucifer's Fall From Grace and the Fall of Adam) have Man as Gods brother and equal, who fell in love with his reflection in the watery veil of the chaotic waters of creation, and then fell in and became trapped in ignorance (the Stygian waters erase one's memory of past lives).
The Truman Show is quite explicit about (True)Man being trapped in an artificial construct which conspires to keep him trapped. The Celtic Rebel realized a very important symbol, I think, when he first brought up the "X-Box" symbol found in movies and television. In fact, if you become familiar with seeing the symbol (just like when you buy a different car, then suddenly seem the same model car everywhere) you will notice that it is apparently in every single movie and television show ever made. It's not always a simple byproduct of human construction techniques, sometimes it's just seemingly randomly thrown in there. Anyways, I've been seeing it as a symbol, possibly a hint (like "Look for the Nines" in The Nines), or perhaps just the "bars of the prison," reminding us that we're trapped in the Matrix of matter. And, in The Truman Show, the X-Box is literally every-fucking-where. In fact, the huge dome which contains the microcosm of Truman's world is covered in x-boxes as part of the construction. It seems more symbolic when one realizes that it's actually not the best shape to use in the construction of domes; per Buckminster Fuller.
Is this not just the perfect picture:
truman's universe
The 6th Day opens with the "Phoenix Pictures" logo. The logo begins with the striking of a friction match. A friction match is known as a "Lucifer." Lucifer is Latin for "brightly shining" and is synonymous with Venus, the light bringer, the brightest "wandering star" second to the sun (Sirius is the brightest fixed star, and may be connected). After this "light-bringer" rises the sun, which then fades out into a flaming phoenix-shaped logo.

Next is the opening montage which explains the events leading to the future setting of the film. There are two dates shown, 02/23/97 and 06/26/00. 0+2+2+3+9+7=23, and 6x2x6=72, a number which I left out of the video. 06/26/00 might also be "6 times two 6's," or 6x(6x6)=216.
The precession of the equniox takes about 25,920 years, changing where the pole of the earth points, which star is the northern star, and which constellation the sun rises in on the spring equniox. This cycle is broken up into 12 "Ages," each lasting about 2,160 years each. 2160 = 72x30, 216 = 72x3. The earth takes 72 years to travel one degree in the Great Year. Interestingly, 360 degrees divided by 216 = 1.666 [repeating decimal]. 36 and 216 seem more related than I initially thought. 36 x 216 = 7776.
Somehow, as usually happens, while I was looking deeper into "Adam Gibson" of the 6th Day, and trying to find a good transition into the next part of the video, I found out that Adam comes in two flavors, a Spiritual Adam and Earthly Adam. Dwaye Johnson, whose played a "Jericho Kane" just like Arnold, was also twinned in Southland Tales. There are also numerous other examples of "twins" of the protagonist, though often it is the "good twin bad twin" dichotomy, or the ever popular hero-villain dichotomy where the villain claims that he and the hero are essentially the same person, though perhaps on opposites sides of the spectrum (see: Unbreakable).

The image of "Adam Kadmon" as the Tree of Life, and Jesus as the Tree of Life, fit nicely as I transitioned into The Prisoner.
tree of life
Below, Touchstone Pictures shows a lightning bolt striking a blue sphere, posibly representing the spheres on the Tree of Life which are known as Sephiroth. Jerry Bruckheimer films logo has lightning striking a bare tree which then fully sprouts as if it's been given life from heaven. This reminds me of the Tree of Life symbolism in Sublime (see: Purification for more).
touchstone pictures & jerry bruckheimer films
The intro the The Prisoner begins with a view of the clouds and the sound of lightning and thunder. This fades into future prisoner "Number 6" driving down a long lonely road in his Lotus 7 single-seater sports car. He is the Lotus Born Babe, or Harpocrates in the Egg. When you first see his car, he is leaving a deserted airfield and headed into the city.
With a couple (possibly symbolic) exceptions, the number 7 does not show up in the Village. The series was intended originally to have 7 episodes, but ended up having 17. This is important, because in the last (originally, 7th) episode "Number 1" is finally revealed.
(Future prisoner) Number 6 goes to his place of employment, into an underground parking garage, down a long tunnel, through double-doors marked "WAY OUT" and into the office of his employer. (I say, "future" Number 6, since he's only an unnamed British Agent at this point, and not yet "Number 6.") He slams down a resignation letter, says some angry, but unheard words, and storms out. Behind the desk of his employer are two maps of the world (two worlds?). He then heads home and prepares to leave on an apparently much needed vacation. Meanwhile he is "x'ed" out of the system, and his file is put in the RESIGNED box. The large "X" over his picture, made with smaller x's, forms a nice X-Box image and alludes to his predicament.
Number 6's address is #1 Buckingham Place, London. Anyways, a hearse drives up to his house and a man dressed as an Undertaker (as in, he takes you underground) steps out and up to the door. He gasses (future) Number 6 who passes out in his house only to wake up in a perfect replica. He goes to the window and is surprised to see that through it is not the familiar city-scape, but The Village.
groupies love the cock
The typical farewell of The Village is the phrase "Be Seeing You." It hints at the ever present surveillance of all the cameras in the Village/Prison. It also highlights the single eye which indicates the "Eye of God" symbolism we're all so familiar with; as seen on the back of the dollar bill and elsewhere. I hinted at this symbol in the title of recent post: Bee Seeing You Through the Veil. As noted in one youtube video I saw about symbolism used by FOX News anchors, the "OK" handsign connects the thumb and forefinger leaving the other 3 fingers upright. The gives your (right)hand the shape of a lowercase "b," or a "6," or three 6's since it's with 3 fingers.
Continuing with the analysis of the intro, Number 6(66) enters the headquarters of Number 2, the day-to-day operator of The Village, and demands some answers. Number 2 tells him that they want information, information, information. They want In-Formation; they want him to be in formation, to follow the group, to get-in-line, etc.
Number 6 asks: "Who is number 1." Number 2 replies "You are Number 6." YOU ARE number 6. Who is number 1? YOU ARE.
"6 of 1, and a half-dozen of the other." (6+1=7, the Holy Number) Number 6 is awarded the gift of meeting Number 1 because of his ability to remain rebellious. Number 1 has a black and white (duality) mask on which Number 6 pulls off. Underneath that is an ape mask. When Number 6 rips this mask off the face of Number 1, we see that Number 1 is Number 6, the Prisoner.
There was one who arrived there.
He lifted the veil of the goddess.
But what did he see?
Wonder above wonder,
he saw himself.
He lifted the veil of the goddess.
But what did he see?
Wonder above wonder,
he saw himself.
In at least one episode, Number 2 sits at a chair with an Eye-in-a-Pyramid shape to it. In fact, the sides of the chair seem to indicate the other two iconic pyramids of Egypt. The Eye of God, the Eye in the Pyramid, the Eye of the Illuminati is "Me, Myself and Eye." You are the Eye/I in the pyramid, the "I of God," "I and I," "I AM."
Robert Anton Wilson said something about wondering what the whole #23 thing was until he realized that the 23rd Psalm is about living without fear. I'll add to that, living without fear of death:
The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,he restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
Just few quick notes before i choose to run outside to the "real" world.
The lighting reminds me of a article which found the lightning and the roots of a plant to be strongly similar. Dont remember now the specifics but found it worth mentioning.
Plus "truman show" owes its story mostly to Philip K Dick who himself had experience with the Sirius. Assuming my memory dont fail me now. Along with already mentioned RAW and Timothy Leary.
Will read the rest of the article later on. Thank you.
I haven't read the post yet... But, am ecstatic to see the video... How perfect!
Nice effort! Hope to see more of these from you along the same line.
Phenomenal vid and post, absolutely loved it! Guess what I had lined up to post for tomorrow: a music vid of "The Magic Numbers - Forever Lost"!
Wow that was loaded and easy to read.
I'm not a lost fan but, more puzzle box stuffness here. Featuring ol' JJ himself.
I hope we get a sexy vampire video one day. I picture an excellent musical lineup.
Viddy well my brotha...
Viddy well...
Corbeau, very good insight into the roots of a plant there! Gives a whole new meaning to the analogy of the Lotus flower which is rooted in earth with it's face in the heavens(above the water/veil). P.K.Dick definetly inspired much of this video: Truman Show, 6th Day, Total Recall audio sample, and who knows what else!
A Few Shots to Shaman, glad I can make your day that much better :D
FilmNoir23, thanks, it was a #$%&*# to put together; having to use two ancient computers, one only an hour or so every other day, glad it's over! I'll try to do more videos later, but my artistic vision is hampered by poor technology :(
dedroidify, figured you'd like it! I'll be checking out your video too!
Jon Kidd, yeah, when the guy whose computer I'm using saw the video on his program he was shocked to see so much going on. The words suffer a bit from the moving background, but I'm glad it was easy to read. I think that Ted Talk might be the same one I mentioned. (Thanks for the link, I didn't have it) Hehe, well I might wait for a better computer set-up before I do a vamp video, I want the quality to be superb for the sexy ladies!
Well, I gotta rush out, going to the premier of the 48 Film Festival film I helped with this weekend! :D
Very cool! I just re-watched Season 3 of Millennium, an episode titled "Antipas" [which they don't reveal why it's called that other than the "female character" who is Satan kills people and leaves this little word near them somewhere] but a little word play and you get "satan pi". Hmmm.
Great vid by the way, hope to see more! Be well bro.
For some reason I can't play things from Youtube but anyways
23 = ChYH - Hebrew for 'living'
Very cool, Violator- you handle the medium quite nicely. Encore!
That's living without fear right Aferris? ;)
Within the last few hours someone updated something that has made UtUbe possible
Life sustaining apparently
Yeah! Awsome video Violator! great stuff, gonna read the follow up now, keep em comin! be well~
Skaggsy, wow, "Satan Pi"! Nice.
aferris, cool connection to psalm 23. I can only watch youtube, all other video hosting sites are starting to use the newest version of FLASH which won't run on my operating system :( Even Youtube is telling people to update their flash which means soon I won't be able to even see my own video :(
Christopher Knowles, thanks for droping by, just you guys wait until I get a new computer! Mwahaha!!!
Hey Indras, thanks, I'll probably make more some day...
Managed to get watch of it
Numbers as a massive matrix . seemingly impenetrable until we find a knot or nexus that allows some sorts fold , new shape apprehension.
314 = ShDY - Shaddai
Funny u included subject matter about Lightning and the newest versions of Flash don't operate on your comp.
108 = 2x2x3x3x3 , 2'squared' and 3 'cubed'
The Hebrew words:
ChShK 328 'darkness'
AVR 207 'light'
YVM 56 'day'
LYLH 75 'night'
and all words appear in Genesis 1 , verse 5.
The Lost plane , Flight 815 , compares with 'angels falling from heaven' while I guess the others are the earthers who don't want them making babies with the 'fallen angels'
Excellent work ViølatoR. Look forward to the next vid.
Cool stuff aferris! I just realized that the plane in LOST synchs with how the "Prisoner #6" first appears after a flash of lightning, dirving away from an airfield!
Thanks for stopping by Justin :D
DUDE! That was beautiful. Loved the vid! I, for one, plan to get the hell out of the house of the lord. :-)
Very nice,
Anti-pas can also mean anti-dog(GOD), since pas is slavic for dog.
Virginia Madsen is very sync loaded, she was also in candyman(which some of you guys should attempt to break down for bee symbolism) and in the new "Haunting in conneticut" with the actor who played Thomas in Prophecy, playing a priest yet again..very weird to see them together again in this context.
I'm sure you noticed this, but the b/w dog that attacks JC in Truman is named Pluto--the roman god of the underworld. His Greek equivalent is Hades.
The underworld huh?
The belly of the whale.
-I thought we came out, but I guess I've been snacking at the footstools of forgetting. You never eat in the underworld!
And Eunus Noe convinced me that we had made it out From The Belly Of The Whale.
So what gives?
Celt, thanks! Did you notice my voice is not heard at all in the video? Everyone else narrates their videos, so I went in the opposite direction and let the video narrate it's self. Not sure if I could do 2 hours of talking like you :D
Bartholomew, hi. Antipas = anti-god, cool! I was just listening to some old punk mp3s and noticed one band was Antipasti... like wow, what are the chances? I do remember Virginia Madsen in Candyman, and that's some strange sutff about the "Haunting in Conneticut."
Douglas Bolles, Interesting stuff about Joseph Campbell ('nother "JC" like Jim Carrey). If you can find those synchs I'd appreciate it. I have his "Hero with a thousand faces" on my to-read list, but it doesn't seem to be in there, at least according to the index. I was just watching a show on the Greek idea of the underworld last night... I'm not sure if I even noticed that Pluto = Underworld at the time, but I don't like to get too specific in my work so I can leave room for other people to have those "moments of realization." Ah, the Belly of the Whale, that's a personal journey, and once you commit you can't look back! (Ask Orpheus what happens when you do! Or Lot's wife for that matter.)
I think the JC 432 books if I remember correctly were:
The Inner Reaches of Outer Space
In All Her Names
I really liked the top one, and he even did a bit w/ the dollar bill symbolism in that one. There might be more numerology in the 2nd book though.
- I have great luck at my public library. I get most of my movies, almost all my books, this is a great resource if you live in a bigish city--your can order it all up online and just pick it up. plug for the day I guess.
Hey Douglas, you replied already! I was just coming back to say that I've noticed 432 a few times myself, but I just realized that 43x2=86!
Thanks for the reply, I'll head over to the book store to check real quick :D I don't think I could use the library because I reference and re-reference all the books I've read too much.
Alright, just got back from Barnes & Noble book store which had JC's "The Inner Reaches of Outer Space," which does have some interesting 432 stuff. I brought a pen and piece of paper, and took notes :D
Anyways I'll just do a synchro wiki page for 432. I just realized I forgot to look for "216" in that book too... Shit!
did a couple quick searches fond interesting stuff
-need to verify it though.
you may have found the same:
In addition to Mr. Anderson/Neo in The Matrix being the 6th anomoly and "The One," in The Fifth Element, Milla Jovovich's character "Leeloo" (which in her language means "Sacred Stone," or similar) is "the perfect one" which Bruce Willis' character is looking for, and she is cloned/re-born into the world on the 18th floor of a science building. 18 = 6+6+6. Another possible reference to "#6=#1"
I agree completely abou 23 and certainly 6/666 but much more could be said about 11, 42, 222 and 444.
Very interesting reading, enjoyed it.
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