Sunday, May 16, 2010


Here's a video by Paulo Samoes using clips from My Dinner With The Celtic Rebel - Part 4. It's just the parts of the podcast where we talked about Zardoz. My voice actually sounds better in this video I think... :D I'm actually fighting my lazy urges and working diligently on my next video - Sex & Death. So, look forward to that! Woooo! Meanwhile, enjoy this video from a fellow soul traveler!

ZARDOZ final version from paulo samoes on Vimeo.

Zardoz analogy by Celtic Rebel and Stygian Port.


  1. Where can I get Sean's outfit? That thing is sweeeet.

  2. hello stygian :) Id call it fellow soul travellers rather than fans ;)
    Hope you all enjoy the video, its always good to contribute.

  3. Hey guys! ;) Lance Bass? wow... thanks, but I don't know where his strappy outfit comes from, though I'm sure you can make one with the sewing classes I bet you've taken.. "Fellow soul travelers," nice.

  4. oops accidentally published my Sex & Death draft for a second :O well the video isn't finished yet, or it might be... have to check how it came out, but I can't upload it until after Friday, so.. yeah, sorry for getting anyone excited prematurely!

  5. a conversation worth re-watching, where's the silhouette's?

  6. update today: replaced the video with the final version

  7. I have actually seen this movie when I was kid. I remember the stone head and was discussing it last year with a member of my writing group. He could remember Sean Connery and the 'flying stone head' and how the movie made no sense at all, but there was a lot of women in it! What the hell was it about he asked me. I have no idea...But I think I do now!
