Saturday, September 29, 2012

Always Record - The Podcast Sessions

Always Record, Episode 17 - I was just randomly pulled into this group call, so it wasn't planned or anything. I don't remember what I said, but you can bet it was a spontaneous and highly intelligent discourse on, like, stuff, and things.. and junk.

Part 1 and Part 2. Click to play in your browser, or right-click and 'save as' to download (or go here)

Always Record, Episode 18 - Actually, this is the only one where the accompanying image says "Volume" instead of "Episode." Hmm, maybe it's a subtle hint to turn down your volume so that my voice doesn't annoy you as much as it does me. I did this episode/volume with Frank Zero (as Apocalypse) and Trever Tocco (as an anthropomorphic taco). Together we are known as... *queue dramatic music* ...Project Psycube! Dun, dun, DUNNNN!!!

Part 1, Part 2, and yes, Part 3 (or go here)

Always Record, Episode 20 - Frank Zero and I were brought back in for another rousing round of tangentical conversations that can only end in a Kenau Reevesesque "Whoa!" So, pull up a chair, my Moonchildren, and give it a listen.

Part 1, and Part 2

Frank Zero interview on 42 Minutes - discussing everything under the moon, including UFOlogy, supersoldiers, and hidden symbols and unusual themes in movies and cartoons.

Click here to listen


What are you saving up to be.. Jewish?