Alex of
The Celtic Rebel blog and I, ViolatoR of this blog, got together over the phone for a couple of nights last month and yammered on at eachother in the hopes that other people would find our random musings interesting or at least mildly entertaining. This is being released in tandem, or "stereo" as Alex says, so be sure to check out Alex/The Celtic Rebel's supporting post for this podcast as well:
click me! Turn up your speakers too, because Alex got carried away with seemingly half of his record collection being sampled in this. Also, my voice is like 1% of the volume of Alex's voice, and even after normalizing the audio I'm still pretty quiet. Listen to it first before reading the post or the post might just look like gibberish to you. :D So, without further doodoo, here it is:
"It is quite possible that societies - much like individuals - collectively repress information, concepts, and ideas which would produce high anxiety levels if dealt with consciously." - Wilson Bryan Key
So we start attacking Jews pretty early... Don't you miss those great
racist jokes of yor? My aunt, upon learning that there will be Obama Christmas tree ornaments, had this to say: "Oh, so now it's legal to hang a nigger?" Now that's funny! (No, I don't share my aunts vocabulary, but I can appreciate her humor without sharing in it.) You can agree or disagree, but once you start legislating what people can think, you've become a Nazi (National Socialist, aka: "Progressive"). In a free world, people would be able to think about things in whatever way they wanted (to be as "racist" or "anti-racist" as they please), but in the "modern" world the Thought Police outlaw and restrict free thought & speech (and as shown in Orwell's
Nineteen Eighty-Four: speech
is thought). I'd rather live in a world where people had a choice to be who they wanted to be, because once the choice is made for you (socialism), there's no point to living at all. Besides, my family gives it to me pretty good for my "Jew nose" which is quite distinguished, though not as "Jewish" as some. Of course, my mom's maiden name is on a list of Sephardic Jewish names, so there may be a reason for my protruding facial feature. So, the bottom line is that if you make fun of me you're anti-semetic! Oops, I failed the intelligence test. Maybe I can parlay my Jewish features into an acting gig, since apparently talent seems to be a distant second to the friends and family (and Temple) connections.
you gotta lick it before you stick itNicole Kidman, mmm mmm, what an ass. But seriously folks, she's got nice legs too. Umm, where was I... Oh yeah, Nicole is the female version of Nick/Nicholas, and Nick is a
nickname for the Devil/Satan/Lucifer. The Devilish symbolism seems to follow her through her movies (by design, most likely), and Alex tells me all about what he saw in her recent movie,
Australia. The name
Nicholas comes from
Nike ("victory of the people") and
laos ("people"). Below, St. Nicholas, the patron saint of children, sailors and merchants, Greece (sorry Alex!) and Russia, who is the basis for Santa(Satan) Claus, stands next to a bathtub overflowing with naked young boys. Yup, that's St.
Nick for you.
The logo used on some of the posters for
Australia feature a red "A" with the horizontal bar repalced with the word "Australia," a word with 3 A's in it. But, the red "A" looks more like an inverted red "V" without that cross-bar. V is 6 in Hebrew gematria, so if we turn all the A's into V's, "Australia" now has 666 in it. Speaking of V's, the old alien invasion television series,
V (for "Visitors") has been remade recently. The logo is a red V.
Australia is located (far away) "down under." The parched desert of Australia/Oz being "down under" brings to mind the classic vision of hell. The last human city of Zion in
The Matrix is located far below the surface of the earth, where it's still warm. And as I like saying: Zion is an anagram of "In Oz." Nickhole Kidman is going In Oz, way down under (below the surface of the earth). The Southern Hemisphere of earth has the lower Tropic, known as the Tropic of Capricorn. It is also where Australia is located on the earth; this is Oz, Never-Never Land, and Wonderland (where everything is inverted: up is down). When compared to the microcosm of the human body, the top is the good/light part and the below parts are evil and dark. And down under there (where?), in your underwear(!), is your ass. The dark gates to your/the
bowels (of Hell). This tropic signals the sun's arrival in Summer for them, while those of us in the Northern Hemisphere are entering Winter Solstice. Nicole's character desires a "Capricorn mare."
Mare is Latin for "sea," and related to the Goddess and waters of Chaos, and the dark spots on the icy reflective Moon, former cheif of the planetary deities, who was called Sin/Sinister. The Moon is heavily cratered.
the land of oz and emerald city/pandemoniumThe
Rainbow Serpent is the serpent of creation in Aboriginal mythology (or of Gnosis in the Garden of Eden). The Lord of earth is Satan, or Saturn, the 7th planet connected to time, death, and lead which is transmuted into the rainbow Stone of Wisdom. Lucifer's Emerald (colored) stone fell from his crown in battle with the Archangel Michael and fell to earth and became the Grail among other objects. The Stone from Heaven would have created a crater when it his the earth (or an Emerald City of Oz) and is related to the bowl shaped volcano tops, the craters on earth (a large well preserved crater is Wolfe Creek in Australia, and featured in the movie
Wolf Creek which I mention in the podcast), and craters on the moon. The "Krator" jar was a Grail shaped vessel in Ancient Greece, and is related to the idea of the Holy Grail in some art. Below, the Rainbow Serpent is seen over a "crater" of a volcano. Recall that the volcano is related to the source of the human soul in Scientology when alien bodies were dropped into a volcano in Hawai'i and then their souls moved from there into early humans. (See
Land of The Dead for more)
rainbow(serpent) over the emerald stone and its craterMoving from Nick-hole Kidman to Little Nicky:
nicky inside a man-hole-stargate-rectumAdam Sandler and his "666" and "9" numbers made me think of the sign for the constellation of Cancer, from where the Tropic of Cancer gets it's name, which looks like a 69 or 96.
Alex mentions that Anna Farris in
House Bunny gets kicked out of the Playboy Mansion because at 27 years old, she's too old to be a bunny.
27 years old is the odd age at which many famous people have died, and is also known as the Return of Saturn, and Saturn is Satan.
I noticed after hearing the final version of the podcast, that Alex specifically asked me if I "wanted to get into Jennifer's body." Meaning the movie of course, but I'm wondering now if he wasn't subconsciously
probing my desire to "break my dick off in that ass"?
Jennifer's Body is about a extremely
materialistic whore who becomes a succubus/suck-
cube-us after being tossed into a whirling vortex portal with a mysterious end-point. The
Material (energy) "grid pattern" of The
Matrix is known to us in the form of "X-Boxes." The X framed in a square, or by it's self, is seen all over this damn movie. Mostly the ones not framed in a box, which some think is a reference to the original
Scarface movie which uses the X as a sign of immenent doom to the person it shows up around. It's on par with the
Truman Show, seen below being trapped in such a grid pattern. The idea of the grid is becoming much more obvious lately, as several news items Alex has shared with me can attest.
truman's universeThe "box" (formerly the "boob tube." Hear anyone say that recently? No, I didn't think so.), television with its endless anal-focusing
programming, makes an apperance in this movie as well. Programming within programming: the fractal grid.
Jennifer's Body, we learn in the opening narration that hell is a teenage girl's body. Well, we're all trapped in
material bodies, though mine is not a teenage girls, that's the personal hell of the narrator, Needy, Jennifer's friend in the movie. Actually they are BFF's or "Best Friends Forever," signaled by their BFF heart necklaces. Needy tears off Jennifer's BFF heart in their struggle. The act of doing so appears to drain Jennifer's power, or causes her to not want to resist anymore.
The necklace has a diamond on it, which will come up in a future podcast-post, but suffice to say that diamonds are useless carbon rocks which have six protons, nutrons and electrons: 666. Jennifer is played by Meagan Fox, and FOX = 666 in english when reducing to a single digit: F-6, O-15, X-24. This was mentioned earlier with the "Foxtrot" dance in
Australia. My post,
Virgins, Vampires and Vagina Dentata, opens with a discussion on 666 and the letter V for Vampire (V=6 in Hebrew). Below is a great screen capture (of many which Alex sent me) which shows the sexually fatal Jennifer giving us her best vagina dentata impression:
Another Crab/Tropic of Cancer synch comes up when Jennifer lures Needy's repressed homosexual boyfriend to an abondoned indoor pool (a dried up vortex?), where we can see a crab painted on the pool wall next to Jennifer's leg. There's also a seahorse which has come up in
Black Dog Star's research. Hmm,
Sea-Horse, and
sea is
mare in Latin (and a "mare" is a female horse). So with the Seahorse and Crab painted together in this scene, we have a "mare-horse," and a crab which is the symbol for the constellation and Tropic of Cancer. Thus here we have a Tropic of Cancer/"Cancer Mare," in
Jennifer's Body, and in
Australia we had the Tropic of Capricorn/"Capricorn Mare." What the hell is going on here?
Below is an obligitory "wonderland" symbol where the camera is drawn into the reflection of a character, usually into a mirror, to signal to the viewers that we have "gone through the looking glass." I couldn't even begin to list the number of movies that this symbol is in!
It's about as abundant in films as the "X" symbol, and another symbol which I've noticed is on the rise for the last few years: regurgitation. Find me a movie made in the last 5 years that is aimed at the largest demographic of movie patrons which
does not feature throwing up in any way, and I'll send somebody to your house with a giant novelty check for a million dollars!
Needy cuts and X into Jennifer which reminds us that hell, the grid, the Matrix, is a teenage girls body, and is a microcosm of the larger energy grid around us like the dome in the
Truman Show.
red xJennifer is sacrificed by a up-and-cuming (oh,
that's where that phrase "came" from!) soft-core wuss band (Part wimp and part pussy. They do become HerO's afterall). They slice her up and toss her into the town's (
Devil's Kettle) mystery vortex waterfall. Unbeknownst to them, sacrificing a girl who is not a virgin can have dire consequences. In this case, it turned a whore into... a whore. Spooky, 'eh? Jennifer may have just drained the money, time, and energy of her men before, but now she finishes the job and kills them altogether.
Above we can see the famous vortex of the Devil's Kettle town being "probed" by scientists with orange balls. I've mentioned oranges before in relation to the sun, so this vortex is sort of a black hole swallowing up these suns/sons. It is mentioned in the narration that the vortex's end-point is unknown, hence the probing, but the end of the vortext is found by Needy by the end of the movie where we can see some orange probes and the knife used in the sacrifice.
Needy gains the demons powers during her struggle with Jennifer, and so by "modulating her-self to the frequency of the hellish matrix" she can now pass through the grid, much like the idea of field modulation in
Star Trek which allows weapons to pass through energy sheilds. She is seen in crossed-leg position known in meditation and practices of personal enlightenment (wearing the same color as the probes, and bunny slippers to boot), and is floating in the air before passing her-self through the grid-window and then the grid-fence, then finds the exit for the mysterious vortex, the stargate, and is free now.
She picks up the sacrificial knife and goes to pay a visit to the band which sacrificed Jennifer. They are staying in room 922 of their hotel. 9x2x2=36, and if you add everyone number from 1 through 36 it equals 666.
The song playing when the movie ends is by
Hole, I'm sure The Celtic Rebel can tell you a thing or two about holes.. In the credits we learn that this movie was written by "
Diablo Cody" (pen name of Brook Busey-Hunt who also did
Juno. Side note: "Juno" is the name of the case worker in the afterlife for the dead couple in
Beetlejuice.) "Diablo" means Devil, and "Cody" came from a trip to Cody, Wyoming. Wyoming is where the first national moument, Devil's Tower, is located.
Since I'll be mentioning the number 42 in a few paragraphs, let's end this section with a picture of a checkerboard phone from
Jennifer's Body with a "242" on it:
For the topic of Sex & Death, Alex brought up the movie
Dead Girl. The movie features a group of guys raping a zombie girl found chained in an abondoned mental hospital. That's about it for the plot. Anyways, zombies are known in England as "the Zed word," because they don't say the letter "Z" as "zee," but instead as "zed." In
Pulp Fiction, "Zed" is an ass-raping redneck. So, Zed/zombies is/are being connected to Zombie-Vampires (or Vampire-Zombies? Same thing anyways), and the pervasive theme of anal sex, gayness, and Sex & Death.
In the scene where Bruce Willis says "Zed's dead," he and his wife are leaving their motel room, and in that very room, above the bed, is the
exact same painting of a beach scene found in the afterlife waiting room in the movie
(Huge hanks to Harry for donating this screen capture to my email inbox!) Also, Bruce's character is a "dead man" for screwing over the gangster who bet on his boxing match.

bruce gives us his jesus impersonation"Zed" is also the name of Sean Connery's character in
Zardoz where he plays a geneticaly engineered mortal who was made to kill humanities survivors after an apocalypse. But the true purpose of the genetic engineering was to produce a perfect human (Zed) who could infiltrate the land of the immortal humans called Eternals. Each part of the Eternals land is called a
Vortex (Recall the vortex/stargate of
Jennifer's Body (both literal and figurative!)). Not only does Zed
penetrate their Vortex (he is the only person in the Vortex who can get an erection, because immortality has reduced the Eternal's desire to mate), he breaks through a plastic material described as indestructable, and he also breaks open the barrier of the Vortex so that his fellow men could come in and bring death to the Eternals. These matrix/grid-penetrating themes will almost certainly come up in future podcasts.
The "Valhalla" quote from
Network which we play is only one of many, many, great lines in that movie. The idea of a "collective," programmed by the media, is really rubbed in during some scenes of that movie.
watch it, then kill your t.v.Recently it was
discovered that a
rainbow is made not only of light refracting at 42 degrees, but at the range from 40 to 42 degrees. These numbers are often interchanged in religious text. Both are significant, but it is interesting to find that the angle of
42 degrees is the angle at which the
red band of the spectrum is found. Below, in the
Battle Royal poster, a large red X is seen behind the number 42. The movie deals with a "most dangerous game" theme involving Japanese highschool students. Recall in
Jennifer's Body that Jennifer is "x'ed out" by Needy before Needy kills her.
Well, that's about I all wanted to say in reguards to the podcast. Here's a picture of cute pink animals:
pink is the new brown