------------------ Letters of Light ------------------
I planned on writing this article a while back, but lost interest after another blog got there first. At Live From the Logosphere, in the article, Sacred Letters Sacred Numbers Hebrew and Sacred Geometry, author Indras Net explains the Flame Letters, Cymatics and the language of DNA. Please check it out if you have the time. During this time I was in the middle of Tony Bushby's The Secret in the Bible, which I got pretty much at random last Christmas because I noted a familiar shape on the cover. That shape is the main "Flame Letter" which will be described in more detail below. (Picture of the cover above.) I had first read about the Flame Letters while somehow getting linked over the the Meru Foundation's website, although at the time I didn't really read much about their research and just bookmarked the page for later. As stated at the Logosphere article, the Book of Genesis, written in original Hebrew without spaces or line breaks, creates a mathematical pattern which folds into a perfect Torus/Toroid/3-D Spiral ("donut") shape using number-letter translation. If you then take a sliver of the toroid, from the edge spiraling to the center, you get a curved spiraling shape which when rotated in three dimensions creates every single letter in the Hebrew alphabet. One form of this spiral is pictured below:

same spiral doing Hebrew letters
Quote from Vincent Bridges Green Language of Light at: http://www.jwmt.org/v1n4/readlight.html
...we know that DNA emits a weak form of coherent light that has been demonstrated to work like a communication system between cells and even between larger organisms. In this sense, the art of light is indeed the instrument of the spirit. It is nothing less than the mechanism, the framework so to speak, that allows Mind to exist in the universe. The language of light emitted and received by the DNA may be the original of all languages, the ultimate language of initiation.
Fulcanelli clearly understood this, as he shows when he states that argot, the initiation of the Argonauts, is but "one of the forms derived from The Language of the Birds." This Ur-language, Fulcanelli insists, is the common language of initiation and illumination behind cultural expressions as different as the Christian, the Inca, the medieval troubadours and the ancient Greeks. And traces of it can be found in the dialects of Picardy and Provence, and most important of all, in the language of the Gypsies.
These are stunning assertions. Fulcanelli informs us that the western cabala used by the troubadours and the builders of the cathedrals is based on the language of the Argonauts and the quest for the Golden Fleece. Which in turn is but one application of a vast Ur-language of symbols, derived perhaps from the DNA itself, that unite the global cultures of mankind, from the Inca to the ancient Greeks. And, to top it off, he told us that traces of it can be found in the language of the Gypsies, a fairly obvious reference to the Tarot, long held to be a Gypsy invention. Is he telling us that the Green Language, which is heard according to David Ovason only by those "who have clothed themselves in the skin of the dragon," is simply a symbolic approximation of the information, transmitted by weak laser pulses, coming from our DNA?
According to the work of anthropologist Jeremy Narby, this Ur-language of light is a "forest television" of images in which "DNA is a snaked shaped master of transformation that lives in water and is both extremely long and small, single and double. Just like the cosmic serpent." His assessment agrees with Ovason's comments that only one who has the skin of the dragon, or has become one with the cosmic serpent of DNA, can understand this symbolic language of light.
Could it be possible, by looking at the structure of DNA, to reconstruct this dragon's speech, this green language of light's syntax, grammar and vocabulary? And could it be, as Fulcanelli suggests, that fragments of that original language of light can be found in the divinatory systems used by all nautes, shaman and initiates?
Language, Light, Color, and Matter are all connected through vibration or frequency. Any sacred language worth that title should combine these elements somehow. The language of creation, the argotic language of angels, should have some property which is in accord with elements of creation; and I think that the Golden Mean, and it's resulting spiral, is a good a element as any.
One candidate for an angelic language is the Enochian langage channeled by Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelly. The language shares some similar shapes with Greek, though the phonetics of the letters differ from their Greek counterparts.

The squares of the Liber Logaeth, or the "Book of the Speech from God" as Kelly called the great book of his vision, did indeed form the basis of a new series of 49 invocations dictated in the spring of 1584, while Dee and Kelly were in Cracow, Poland. Unfortunately, the details of how this version of the Enochian language developed from the squares is very unclear. All we can be sure of is that it was generated somehow out of the previous tables and squares, and this time a translation was provided right from the start.
With these translations, we begin to find a real language emerging. The grammar and syntax are similar to English, perhaps because of Kelly's unconscious linguistic processes, but vocabulary elements, roots and prefixes and case endings, are not directly derivable from English, Greek, Latin or Hebrew. Some words suggest Sanskrit and ancient Egyptian roots, languages completely unknown to either Dee or Kelly.
In fact, in the earliest sessions on the Sigil of Truth, we find that the name of the elemental king of fire, generated by following a symbolic pattern around the letters and numbers on the rim of the seal, is a perfectly good phonetic rendering of an ancient Egyptian phrase. Following the pattern, which was dictated several years after the Sigil itself, we produce the name Oheooaaatan, pronounced Uh-heh uh-ah-ah ah-ton.
In hieroglyphic Egyptian that becomes uha uhah aton, the very phrase in one of Ra-Harakte's titles, translated as "the penetrating and destructive power of the sun's disk," from which Amenhotep III took the word Aton and turned it into a new definition of divinity. Before we dismiss this as a coincidence, we should note that the elemental king of earth, derived by the same method, renders as Tha-ha-oo-teh, or simply Tehuti, or Thoth to the Greeks.
This is simply astonishing. Phonetic Egyptian did not even exist as a concept. Athanius Kircher declared in the 17th century that all hieroglyphs were symbolic rather than phonetic, and no one thought otherwise until Champollion in the early 19th century.
Some really great descriptions and insights into Enochain at The Hidden Agendas blog, here and here.
So is there a Divine language? Like the one Milla Jovovich speaks in Fifth Element, language that is inherent in this universe due to mathematical properties, a language we would expect angels to speak? One which may have influenced the development of modern alphabets?
------------------ The Book of Thoth ------------------

the pillars of initiation, the veil of the mysteries, and the Tora(h)
Lewis Spence's Encyclopedia of Occultism:Tony Bushby (The Secret in the Bible) claims that the original 22 Tarot cards relate to Psalm 119, 22 descriptions in the Book of the Dead, something called the Divine Scale, as well as a 22 stanza rhyme given to him by an old Gypsy woman called the "Gypsy Secret," and 22 major locations at Giza (most underground or not officially there). But most important is that they relate to the 22 Hebrew letters. The letter shapes, namely the Flame/Serpent Letter shapes, were secretly put into the pictures of the Tarot cards, and these cards and shapes were what Ezra used when writing the Torah. Each of the 22 verses of Psalm 119 have 8 lines each which begin (in Hebrew) with each letter in the alphabet in succession; so the first 8 lines start with Aleph, then the next 8 with Bet, etc. Passages from this Psalm also relate to each card.
The Gypsies possess a Bible, yes this volume is called the Tarot which is the Bible of the Bibles. It is a marvellous book and immense antiquity is claimed for it. Under the names Taro, Tora, Rota, this collection has formed successively the basis of all the ancient peoples.
The 21 Tarot cards, without the unnumbered or zero card, can be split into 3 groups of 7 so that group one has cards 1,4,7,10,13,16,19 and series two has 2,5,8,11,14,17,20 and group three has 3,6,9,12,15,18,21. Each card in a particular group relates to the other cards in that group. Specifically group one cards all add to "1." 1=1, 4=1+2+3+4=10, 7=1+2+3+4+5+6+7=28(=10). The numbers in the other two groups add to 3, 6, or 9. There are also some other interesting number patterns, but the only thing I think it important here is how the cards split into groups of 3, and the second and third groups relate to 3, 6, and 9. These three numbers will come up later when I talk about musical tones.

------------------ The Serpent Who Fell to Earth ------------------
The following information I got from Tony Bushby's The Secret in the Bible.
The Egyptians revered the pyramidal shaped Benben stone which was made of "star" material, and "came from the heavens." The Benben was housed at the Temple of the Benben, at Heliopolis. The Benben was associated with the Benu bird, or Phoenix. Great mystery surrounded the interior of the stone, which may not have been a stone at all since people could apparently see into it. A relief carving at Abu Sir shows workers dragging a illuminated Benben into place, with the words "pure light," or "white light," or "white gold" written under it. At some points in time the Benben sat in a temple for it; sitting on a square base, making it not only the first pyramid, but the first obelisk as well. The Sumerians had great plans for stealing it and even constucted a very expensive temple to house it (with an amount of jewels to rival the Temple of Solomon...). The Sumerian king was told by god to make his temple as strong as the "House of the Serpent," an old mystery school name for the Great Pyramid. The Benben eventually made it's way back to Egypt. 1350 years after it was stolen, Pharaoh Pi-Ankhi goes to view it in it's temple:
The king Pi-Ankhi mounted the stairs toward the large window, in order to view the god RA within the Benben. The king personally, standing up, and being all alone, pushed apart the bolt and opened the two door-leaves. Then he viewed his father RA in the splendid sanctuary of Het-Benben.From the eye wittness accounts of the Benben, it would appear that it was a see-through crystal, probably in the shape of a miniature pyramid, and it became illuminated by the sun - revealing the 7 colors seen in a rainbow or crystal when light is refracted. The colors formed a twisty band of light starting at about mid-point in the Benben and ending at the top. This spiral of color was known as the Rainbow Serpent, and was remembered by Austalian Aboriginal people by a wooden staff with two multi-colored serpents, called the Sky-Serpent, twisting around it, like the brazen staff of Moses. The aboriginal people (of Oz or possibly New Zealand, I forget) maintian in their oral traditions that their ancestors were the people who built the pyramids. (Some ancient Australia and Egypt connections here.)
Egyptian Book of the Dead,There have already been numerous websites and blogs detailing the amazing historical significance of the double-helix DNA serpent shape, and here is just one more example; perhaps even as the origin for that symbolism.
Hail, shining one, above the temple of the Gods in visible form... swirling above the white Temple in the sand.
Book of Enoch,
...and he drew nigh to the large structure which was built of crystal... and containing tongues of flame... and the aslant walls of the structure were covered with a tessellated flow of crystal... and it's base was of crystal.
Bushby makes the claim that the spiral of color can be seen in any clear model of the Great Pyramid built to scale; same angles but with a pointed top. While I don't have a model pyramid to test this seemingly exaggerated claim, here's a neat picture of a model pyramid photographed with a vortex:

Kirlian photo of model pyramid vortex
The uraeus is the Naja of Egypt, the dreaded though peaceful and timorous cobra, dangerous for its spit and deadly for its bite, but only if it believes itself attacked. The snake is the symbol of duality: It separates the right and left sides of the brain. Likewise, the nervous system is dual: sensory or motor, active-solar through the sympathetic, or passive-decontractile through the vagus or parasympathetic. This dual aspect is human; it is thus symbolized by two uraei, or sometimes one uraeus accompanied by a head of Mut, the vulture, symbol of hatching femininity.

top of winged staff, also reminisent of the staff of Ptah
which combines the was-scepter top with the djed pillar/spinal column

Old maps show that Cairo was originally called Babylon. Could it also be the real location of the hanging gardnes, or even the Tower of Babel - the place where Mankind was united by a common language? The shape of the rainbow serpent inside the original Benben is that same spiral mentioned in the opening paragraph which was the basis for Hebrew and other letter forms which were passed down into the alphabets we know today. The 5 books of the Hebrew Bible, or Old Testament in Christian Bibles, is considered Holy and special, and there is a rule that nothing can be added or subtracted from it; so it has remained the same since it was written. Here are the 22 different rotations of the Rainbow Serpent:

"Woe is he who looks only at the garments."
Ezra, a priest and scribe lived during the Babylonian Exile and was a Panther Adept in the Egyptian Mystery School. He claimed to have had seven visions of God where he was told to record the 'secret of the ages' in a scroll. He and his scribes retreated to Mount Horeb/Sinai where: "the Most High gave understanding to the five men and they wrote what was dictated in order, in characters they knew not... And so they sat for forty days." In that time they wrote 94 books, 24 of which were for the worthy and unworthy alike, while the remaining 70 were only for the wise. (A couple books were combined in some countings so that there were 22 books, same as the number of letters in Hebrew.) It doesn't matter if there's inconsistancys or things which seem totally unrealistic in the Bible, since it's not the particular face value reading which is important, but the very letters they were written in, and their order of arrangement. Notice above I bolded "Panther Adept." In some theories of Jesus, it is beleived that his name Yeshua Ben Panthera (Joshua, son of Panthera) comes from his fathers name, or that the name reveals that he was a Panther Adept in the Egyptian Mysteries. In Jewish accounts of Jesus he stole the Torah scroll from the Temple and along with the Secret he snuck out of Egypt, he used them together to preform miracles. For this he was stoned to death and hung from a tree.
Egyptian high priests wore animal skins of lions, panthers or leopards as a symbol of their attainment of high degree in the mysteries. Leopards breaks down into Leo (lion) and PaRDS. The letters PRDS are also used to signify the four levels at which one can read the Torah: Pshat, Ramaz, Darash, and Sud. Each level increases in intuition and decreases in surface level interpretations. The first level, Pshat, is the level most people read the Torah and Bible at. Noah survived the flood in a wooden ark with 2 of each species of animal, Adam lived for over 900 years, etc. Next is Ramaz, meaning a hint; a hint of something more. Then Darash (or Dsh), using intuition to see the occult areas of the Torah. And finally Sud, which means secret, and Sud level reading was kept secret from all but the intiated.

An image I made of the Flame letters and Hebrew for PRDS with gematria
Using Sud, one can reach a level of deep inner mystery, a personal experience known as the Paradise Experience, or Pardes, from the four letters PRDS meaning paradise. Its like a journey into another dimension, heaven, without needing to undergo the traditional death of the body. Although, it is claimed that some people who have rushed into a Paradise experience have died or become really messed up as a result of not having the proper foundation for the journey. The same can be said about people who prematurely raise their coiled serpent, Kundalini, through their 7 chakras too early, and without the proper discipline. Rabbis have learned how to use the Torah to induce ecstatic experiences - mystical states - at will, whenever they want. This is a result of the power of the Rainbow Serpent Letters which make up the Torah. It's use can 'lift the veil' and bring one 'face to face with God.' This 'near death experience' gives one the knowledge that death is not an end, and that we are immortal. This is a pretty big secret, and one which is guarded by religions, so that only through their institutions can one 'go to heaven' and live forever. John Dee's angelic messengers who gave him the Keys of Enoch (a man who walked with God while alive) apparently told him that Jesus was only a man, and that reincarnation is real. If the soul reincarnates, then it isn't destroyed at death.
The five books of the Torah/Bible have all you need to meet with God face to face, the Gospel of Thomas: "...there are five trees in Paradise which remain undisturbed summer and winter and whose leaves are never changing. Whoever becomes acquainted with them will not experience death."
------------------ Cymatics ------------------
Also mentioned at the Logopshere article is cymatics and the Hebrew language. The vibratory science of Cymatics reveals the special nature of the Hebrew language, as the letters apparently create, through the vibration of their spoken sounds, thier very shape in a medium such as sand on a vibrating plate.
world-mysteries.com:Dr. Jenny Cymatics:
In 1967, the late Hans Jenny, a Swiss doctor, artist, and researcher, published the bilingual book Kymatik -Wellen und Schwingungen mit ihrer Struktur und Dynamik/ Cymatics - The Structure and Dynamics of Waves and Vibrations. In his research with the tonoscope, Jenny noticed that when the vowels of the ancient languages of Hebrew and Sanskrit were pronounced, the sand took the shape of the written symbols for these vowels, while our modern languages, on the other hand, did not generate the same result! Hans Jenny wondered if the vibrations of these sacred sounds could actually manipulate reality, or even heal a person who is "out of tune."
"Amongst his more amazing findings was the discovery that when AUM is sounded the shape produced is that of the ancient symbol for AUM (the Sri Yantra). This suggests that the ancients knew something! Perhaps when sounding in meditation, the vibration created the form in their minds. Hebrew, Sanskrit, Egyptian and Tibetan are generally considered to be sacred languages, that have the power of shaping reality. This suggests that by sounding sacred texts, by singing sacred vowels, our cells resonate into a more coherent shape, in which our energies are synchronised with those of God / Universe / Source."

cymatic-created sri yantra (top), compared to the traditional design (bottom)

Sri Yantra
http://www.falstad.com/circosc/ Click for a java applet which lets you make cymatic-like pictures. I set the options: display 2d only, turn down the speed and turn up the dampening and turn up the resolution and frequency display. Then click the little boxes to select the frequency, combine to create patterns. You can press the "stopped" button at the top to freeze it.
Barbara Hero has demonstrated a similar effect of harmonics using a laser and scanner system. Barbara placed a mirror under a speaker system which vibrated the mirror when two different frequencies were created. She then projected a laser at the mirror and the laser was reflected on to a screen, revealing the images created by the sounds. Barbara found that those intervals which were created by the harmonic series created shapes which were geometrically perfect. These shapes, such as a circle, remained stationary as long as the intervals were sounding. Intervals which were not harmonically related created shapes that were not geometrically perfect and their shapes decayed.Adam's apple - the key to the Tree of Knowledge - is located right in your throat, or throat chakra perhaps? The throat, or Vishuddha, chakra is the fifth of seven major chakras. It deals with communication and creativity, discrimination and wisdom, and self expression.
Barbara experimented with the human voice using this laser and scanner system. The results were the same. When two people sang notes that were harmonically related, the perfectly symmetrical geometric shapes appeared. This was especially true when the people created vocal harmonics. When the voices created sounds that were not harmonically related, the shapes were not symmetrical.
The potential of the voice as a healing and transformational instrument intrigued Dr. Hans Jenny, whose experimental focus consisted of recording the effects of sine wave frequencies upon inorganic substances. He concluded Cymatics with the statement:
But the real work on what might be called melos, or speech, is still to be done. This brings the larynx and its action in the scope of our studies. And at the same time, we are confronted with origination of vibrations effects, the generative element; we must learn about the larynx as a creative organ which displays a kind of omnipotent nature.
------------------ Tonal Sign Language ------------------
I felt compelled to watch Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and quickly realized why! If you've seen it you'll know - the aliens communicate through sounds and colors, and the humans repeat the sounds back using a keyboard, and a large grid of colored lights. The French leader of the research team uses a tonal sign language developed by Zoltan Kodaly.

This site has a short explanation for the hand signs with pictures.
The Meru Research group also uses a sign and gesture language to recreate the Hebrew letters while holding a large model of the spiral in both hands. They liken this to the traditional use of the Tefellin wrap around the arm and hand and suggest that this may be the reason for that tradition. Meru explains their view in an article titled "THE SHAPE OF INFORMATION: How to Talk to an Extra-Terrestrial" They even suspect that traditional dances which typically involve some geometry and specific movments, are also based on this original gestural language. "Scholars investigating natural language tell us that persons blind from birth make gestures that they have never seen, even while speaking to other blind people who cannot see their gestures, and that these gestures are essentially the same as those used by sighted persons." This article suggests that the alphabet had it's origins in Egypt where symbols were simplified; like a picture of an Ox becomes and A (A/Aleph in Hebrew means Ox).
------------------ Occult Genetics ------------------
In An Ancient and Occult Genetic Code, Steve Krakowski connects the 64 symbols of the I Ching to the 64 codons of the genetic code and the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet (and their Tarot corresondences) to the 20 amino acids and 2 stop-codon groups of DNA. He used the Hebrew occult system of Qabalah and the Sefer Yetzirah, or "Book of Creation," as his reference.
Interpreting "Sefer Yetzirah" Through Genetic Engineering, Steve Krakowski:So the 22 original Hebrew letters could be used for creation, similar to the way DNA is manipulated to change a genetic sequence, and the Sacred Languages may even have the ability to alter DNA to repair damage and heal illness, as well as to possibly manipulate reality on other levels.
In short, the text tells how The Creator used the numbers 1-10 and the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet to create Universe and all the living things in it. The Hebrew letters are molded like bits of clay, placed opposite each other and otherwise manipulated to create, in a magical way, all that exists.
"... Sefer Yetzirah interprets the 'speech' of God in a very clear way. God did not talk to Himself, like an absolute monarch who wills and it is done. Rather, He generated substance, from which He formed letters, out of which he combined 'words', which became things. God's 'speech' was not sound but a modeling of units of clay."
"... the author (of Sefer Yetzirah) maintains that, using his interpretation, one can oneself become a "creator"; though on a much smaller scale. In other words, the Sefer Yetzirah proposes not only an interpretation of 'In the beginning' but also a secret teaching of creative magic. It teaches, properly understood, the secret of Creation and of creation, of the Maker and the maker."
"... the reader is told 'test' and 'explore' (and in some manuscripts also 'know, calculate, and form') - i.e., to try to combine letters and numbers and to 'create' as God did. Such activity was, in fact, known in the Judaism of late antiquity. By it, some rabbis were reported to be able to create small animals and homunculi (animated clay men, who cannot, however, speak)."
So here, in the Sefer Yetzirah, we have a magical text which purports to allow those who understand and use it to create living creatures. This is accomplished using 22 letters which are manipulated like bits of clay into chains that are arranged into complementary parallels and other shapes. This is very similar to scientific descriptions of the activity which takes place within the cells of living things. Scientists use the language metaphor to describe these chemicals and their activities. Lengths of DNA and the genes which reside there are refered to as genetic sentences and their chemical components are refered to as words and letters.

Mentioned in a previous section is the dual nervous system, the active and passive; the passive system is the vagus nerve which connects to all the major organs. If this nerve bundle can be stimulated though resonant frequencies, perhaps by intoning AUM, then couldn't it conceivably have some positive impact on those organs or overall health in general?

------------------ The Sound of Music ------------------
When Dr. Joseph Puleo was researching tones, he was directed to a Monsignor at a university in Spokane WA, who was head of the mediaeval department. Following a 20 minute conversation, they had this discussion:
"Can you decipher Mediaeval Latin?'
'And you know the musical scale and everything?'
'Well then, could you tell me what "UT - queant laxis" means?'
After a brief pause, the Monsignor quipped, 'It's none of your business'
Then he hung up."

UT queant laxis
Resonare fibris
Mira gestorum
Famuli tuorum,
Solve polluti
Labii reatum,
Sancte Ioannes.
"So that your servants may, with loosened voices, resound the wonders of your deeds, clean the guilt from our stained lips, O Saint John."A book on Gregorian chants by Professor Emeritus Willi Apel argues that "the chants being used today were totally incorrect, and undermined the spirit of the Catholic faith." ... "one-hundred fifty-two chants were apparently missing. The Catholic Church presumably "lost" these original chants. The chants were based on the ancient original scale of six musical notes called the Solfeggio."
According to Professor Willi Apel, "The orgin of what is now called Solfeggio... arose from a Mediaeval hymn to John the Baptist which has this peculiarity that the first six lines of the music commenced respectively on the first six successive notes of the scale, and thus the first syllable of each line was sung to a note one degree higher that the first syllable of the line that preceded it. By degrees these syllables became associated and identified with their respective notes and as each syllable ended in a vowel, they were found to be peculiatly adapted for vocal use. Hence "Ut" was artificially replaced by "Do." Guido of Arezzo was the first to adopt them in the 11th century, and Le Marie, a French musician of the 17th century added "Si" for the seventh note of the scale, in order to complete the series."Interesting how John the Baptist is important in Freemasonry today. Pheonix Freemasonry: "One of the Patron Saints of Freemasonry, and at one time, indeed, the only one," Some think that the Knights Templar and early Masons revered St. John as the real Messiah (and even had his severed head).
Further research states that, "Pope Johannes later became a saint - Saint Iohannes - and then the scale was changed. The seventh note "Si" was added from his name. "Si" later became "Ti." These changes significantly altered the frequencies sung by the masses. The alterations also weakened the spiritual impact of the Church’s hymns. Because the music held mathmatic resonance, frequencies capable of spiritually inspiring mankind to be more "Godlike," the changes affected alterations in conceptual thought as well, further distancing humanity from God."
1. UT...396 Hz (Center Pillar of the Tree) Liberating Guilt and Fear (396=3+9+6=9)
2. RE...417 Hz (Left Pillar of the Tree) Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change (417=4+1+7=3)
3. MI...528 Hz (Right Pillar of the Tree) Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair) (528=5+2+8=6)
4. FA...639 Hz (Center Pillar of the Tree) Connecting/Relationships (639=6+3+9=9)
5. SOL..741 Hz (Left Pillar of the Tree) Awakening Intuition (741=7+4+1=3)
6. LA...852 Hz (Right Pillar of the Tree) Returning to Spiritual Order (852=8+5+2=6)
"The regular "C" that we all know of in this culture (which is from the diatonic scale of do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do) was not the 528 Hz frequency "C". Instead, I discovered that a regular "C" vibrates to a frequency of only 512 Hz. Frequency 528, relates to the note MI on the scale and derives from the phrase 'MI-ra gestorum' in Latin meaning 'miracle,' and is used by scientists to repair DNA."
As we look at the six original Solfeggio frequencies, using the Pythagorean method, we find the base or root vibrational numbers are 3, 6, & 9. (Remember that the Tarot cards pattern related to these numbers as well.) Nicola Tesla tells us, and I quote: "If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe."
(Following the patterm of notes (396 & 639, 417 & 741, 528 & 852) I wonder if there's more notes that could fit in here using anagrams of the same numbers, which would all equal 3, 6, or 9. Like: 936 or 693, or 147, or 285?)
So, where did the idea to use A-440hz come from? The Nazi's of course! In 1939 Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels dictated 440Hz as the standard tuning pitch. The pitch was not adopted until 1953 however. This in spite of fact that Professor Dussaut from the Paris Conservatory wrote a referendum that was signed by 23,000 French musicians who all were for the preservation of the A=432Hz. More on the history of that decision here. Project432: "432 is the only resonant frequency that is capable of natually reproducing what is called the "Pythagorian Musical Spiral" its the same sequence of growth that all life follows. It utilizes the formula of "Phi" also know as the "Golden Mean" and is also found in the "Fibonnaci sequence." (Here you can see the difference of A-440 and A-432. At the second Fifth, or E, you get a frequency of 162, close to the golden ratio 1.618. The other frequencys in the octaves of A-432 include many familiar esoteric numbers: 216, 144, 720, 360, etc.)
"1 hertz is a "C" at A-432. The wavelength of this "C" is 186282.397 miles. The speed of light is 186282.397 miles per second! 12 hours * 60 minutes per hour * 60 second per minute = 43200 seconds." (12*60=720, or a Sixth/F# when tuned to A-432. The Kings Chamber in the Great Pyrmaid resonates at an F# (16hz). American Indians tuned sacred flutes to an F#. The radius of the sun is 432000 miles. 86400 seconds in one day (864 is one octave higher that 432))
"This is the chart from the mathematics department at Birkley University showing the natural harmonic frequencies below 1000hz. These are natures frequencies, do you see the pattern? Always moving up harmonically by major 3rds and simultaneously doubling."
1................3.......9....... 27........ 81 ........243 ........729
2 ...............6 .....18...... 54....... 162........ 486
8 ..............12.... 36..... 108....... 324........ 972
16 .............24.... 72..... 216....... 648
32............. 48... 144.... 432
64............. 96.... 288... 864
128............192... 512.
256........... 384
512........... 768
Some other stuff I found at those websites I linked to:
Do 2^41 6,333E+14 474 - Blue D 288
Re 2^41 7,125E+14 421 - Indigo E 324
Mi 2^41 7,504E+14 400 - Violet F 341
Fa 2^40 4,222E+14 711 - Red G 384
So 2^40 4,750E+14 632 - Orange A 432
La 2^40 5,344E+14 561 - Yellow B 486
Ti 2^40 5,629E+14 533 - Green C 512
Dominus "Lord" Absolute
Regina Ceolie "Queen of the Heavens" Moon
Microcosmos "Small Universe" Earth
Fata "Fate" Planets
Sol "Sun" Sun
Lactea "Milk" Milky Way Galaxy
Sider "Stars" All Galaxies
Much more on 432hz and related numbers with their historical significance at this site: "Hence, these proto-Greek roots of music had the sacred tuning of 432hz, long before the Hellenistic artists musical renaissance. That itself is remarkable, since 432hz touches the full twelve scale octaval overtones of all music in creation, whereas Bach's 440hz only touches 8, leaving out an entire section of the complete musical resonance of the universe, which thus remains untouched and unintegrated within the 440 hz music of today. This 8 hz re-pitching of tuning hence makes a universe of difference."
Extra! Bonus! For a limited time, you get all this other information for free!
Well I had compiled some interesting stuff related to the above subjects on my computer, and I realized that others might find it interesting as well. So, here's some extra stuff you might find interesting if you enjoyed the above article:

Flower of Life and Torus spiral
The amazing field of cymatics reveals the vibratory nature of matter and reality. These are some pictures I saved on a hunch just because they looked cool. You can see wave interference patterns and a cymatic-like effect; picture the cup of water in Jurrasic Park vibrating when the T-Rex walked by, and multiply it by a couple thousand:

The last picture may have given it away, these are really close up shots of solid matter. (In the last picture you can see the measurment scale in the bottom left) They are not metal plates covered in salt vibrating to multple tones, or water in a bowl surrounded by monks chanting AUM. They are close-ups of a platinum crystal and the close ups of the tip of a tungsten crystal and platinum needle, respectively. Does this, or does this not, look like something affected by vibration?
I had read about some cymatic experiments which created the shapes of organs in the human body, and that the frequency used to make the shape could then be played to an unhealthy organ, a liver for example, to help heal it. Sort of 're-tunning' the DNA. Also on a similar note, an anesthesiologist found out that when he numbs a person before an operation, what is happening is that the cells in the body become more liquid rather than solid. Cells are a mix of liquid and solid states, and by making them more liquid it was deadening the signals to and from the brain which tell a person that a surgeon digging into your chest is supposed to hurt. The reason why a more liquid environment dulled the signal is that the nerve signals are not electric (or at least not totally electric) but use vibration like if the nerves sing when a signal is being sent. So you can imagine what trying to talk underwater does to the vibration of your voice, this is what was happening when the frequency signal in the nerves was trying to get to the brain from the cells. I don't know how accurate this is, it's just one theory this doctor had, and I'm going by memory here.
In the article above I threw in a picture of the 7 major chakras and the musical notes someone apparently thinks they relate to. And above I mentioned how some organs might gain in health if you stimulate them with a frequency which naturally resonates with that organ. A cymatically create shape degrades with a slight change in frequency, but snaps back into its perfect shape when the right tone is hit; why would it be different for anything else created by vibrating bits of matter like your body? Does the constant bombardment by cell phone towers, radio waves, the humming of electronics and the tone of your television and computer have some adverse affect on your health? Some people seem to think so:
Random quote time: "An article published in the New York Times in 1989 reported 'Is now clear that to 60-Hertz and other LF, the electromagnetic field can interact with cells and organs to produce biological changes.'" (I'm just guessing, but I imagine low frequency electromagnetic fields produce a negative effect not a positive one.)
Additional random quote: "Dr. Alfred Tomatis who spent his whole life investigating the ear, sound, and healing, showed that sound rich in high frequency harmonics actually charges the brain with energy. Sound with low frequency vibrations (eg computer hum) robs the brain of energy - leaving us feeling tired and drained."
Dem bones, dem bomes:
For Tomatis, a major aspect of the therapeutic affects of vocal harmonics lies in the conduction of the bones, which are stimulated by resonance of around 2000 Hz. He says:
"The sound produced is not in the mouth, not in the body, but, in fact, in the bones. It is all the bones in the body which are singing and it is like a vibrator exciting the walls of the church, which also sing."
Bone conduction’s actually amplifies the sound through resonance of the cranium and the skull. According to Tomatis, bone conduction stimulates the stapes muscle of the ear, which he believes is the key to stimulating and charging the brain. Tomatis himself manages with a small amount of sleep, less than four hours a night. He attributes this to his listening to sound, which are rich in high harmonics.
Tomatis has described a phenomenon, which has been called "The Tomatis Effect," that states that the voice can only create and duplicate those sounds, which the ear is able to hear. This means that until you are able to hear various overtones, you will not be able to create them in your voice.
Tomatis found that sounds that contain high frequency harmonics, such as those found in Gregorian chants, are extremely beneficial. It is these high frequencies around 8000 Hz, which are capable of 'charging' the central nervous system and the cortex of the brain. In many of the sacred chants of the different tradition, the main out put of high frequency harmonics are dominant, which offer stimulation to the brain.
I already mentioned Gregorian Chants above, and in the section about "Ut Queant Laxis," but there was more which I left out. (I can't find my quote I saved right now so it'll have to be from memory) Some monks who are known for their Gregorian chanting were told by church authorities to stop their chanting, which they did to noticable adverse health affects. After pleading to be allowed to continue with the Gregorian chants, their health returned to what it was before they stopped. Sounds kinda far-out, I know, but not totally unheard of. There's something called "sick building syndrome" which is sometimes caused by "bad acoustics or infrasound." So if there's a sick building syndrome, couldn't there also be a healthy building syndrome?
Here is a picture I found with frequencies for your body, so you can experiment at home if you want:

Notice in the above image the area associated with the pineal gland, "frontal lobes," in the chakra picture shows it as an A, and here we see the frequency at 440hz! Well I guess the person who made this didn't know about the mathematical perfection of A432hz, so you might want to adjust accordingly. In fact, the whole thing seems to be using another method of tunning, which includes an "h" (which seems to be a "b" most of the time)!? So, here's a picture of a keyboard tuned to A432hz to help you find the healthy frequencies:
Because it might be hard to know exaclty what frequency to use, here's some quote I saved to my harddrive which gives a vocal exmaple for each chakra-ferquency, something you can feel free to try at home:
Breathe in deeply, expanding your lower stomach as you inhale. I imagine the energy of each breath coming into my body through whichever chakra I am working on, this can help to focus your awareness. You may also wish to add a colour visualisation on each chakra.
The first chakra (Root) (C - 65.41 Hz) - located at the base of the spine. Tone seven times with the deepest "UUH", as in "cup", a very low guttural sound just gently riding on the breath. Stay comfortable with the sound - don’t force it. (Red).
Second chakra (Sacral) (D - 73.42 Hz) - located about 2-3 inches below the navel. Tone seven times using a higher pitched but still deep "OOO", as in "you." (Orange).
Third chakra (Solar Plexus) (E - 82.41 Hz) - located above the navel. Tone seven times using a higher pitched "OH", as in "go". (Yellow).
Fourth chakra (Heart) (F - 87.31 Hz) - located in the centre of the chest. Tone seven times using a higher pitched "AH", as in "ma". This is the sound that embodies compassion. (Green).
Fifth chakra (Throat) (G - 98.00 Hz) - Tone seven times using a higher pitched "EYE", as in "my". (Blue).
Sixth chakra (Third Eye) (A - 110.00 Hz) - located in the middle of the forehead slightly above the eyes. Tone seven times, using a still higher "AYE", as in "say". (Indigo).
Seventh (Crown) (B - 123.47 Hz) - Tone seven times using the highest pitched "EEE" sound, as in "me", you can comfortably make. (Violet or white).
Now sit in a space of silence and receptivity for 10 - 20 minutes to experience the energy. After this If you feel too light-headed tone an "aaaah" to bring the energy back to the heart, then an "ooooh" to bring the energy down to the sacral to be more grounded.
Interesting story time:
Jonathan Goldman tells in his book, Healing Sound, about a mind shaking experience in a completely dark cave in Palenque in Mexico, where his guide asked him to perform harmonious singing. When he began to tone harmonics towards the area the guide has indicated before the lights went out, the cave began to become illuminated, but it was not ordinarily light. It was more subtle, but it was definitely lighter in the room. The outline and figures of the people there could be seen and everyone was aware of it. This experience was one of the more dramatic episodes in his life. It was only later that he began to process the experience and try to understand what had gone on: "I had been able to use sound to create light". His conclusion was: by use of vocally created harmonics, it is possible to resonate and stimulate the pineal gland.The guy in the above story thinks that the light is created by the people and their pineal glands. This reminds me of something I read about monks who, or part of their training, had to be confined to total darkness for a period of several months (I think, maybe less). They had to develop a way of creating light by themselves. What I think happened, though I may be wrong, is that they stimulated either their pineals (like above) or they "opened" their crown chakras, which produced ionized air which lit up the darkness a bit.
The pineal is rich in neuromelanin, which, according to scientist Frank Barr, is a phase-timing, information processing interface molecule which is a photo transducer. This is a substance which has the ability, among other traits, of absorbing and converting light energy to sound. It also has the ability to turn sound energy into light. Barr believes that melanin and its brain counterpart, neuromelanin, may be the key link between the mind and the brain.
Through stimulation of the pineal gland, neuromelanin is produced. Neuromelanin, a light-sensitive compound triggers the release of a substance which contains phosphorus, a light-producing chemical. By stimulating the pineal gland through vocal harmonics, it may be possible that actual fields of light around the body are enhanced.
Interesting story time again!:
Research by the late Vic Tandy, a lecturer at Coventry University, suggested that the frequency 19 hertz was responsible for many ghost sightings. He was working late one night alone in a supposedly haunted laboratory at Warwick, when he felt very anxious and could detect a grey blob out of the corner of his eye. When he turned to face it, there was nothing.
The following day, he was working on his fencing foil, with the handle held in a vice. Although there was nothing touching it, it started to vibrate wildly. Further investigation led him to discover that the extraction fan was emitting a frequency of 18.98 Hz, very close to the resonant frequency of the eye (given as 18 Hz in NASA Technical Report 19770013810). This was why he saw a ghostly figure - it was an optical illusion caused by his eyeballs resonating. The room was exactly half a wavelength in length, and the desk was in the centre, thus causing a standing wave which was detected by the foil.
If you want to experiment with listening to certain frequencies, then I recommend you download the Branwave Generator (click here to download now from bwgn.com) The brainwave generator uses different stereo beats to allow one to create a frequency in the range below normal hearing (~20hz). "Binaural beats are based on two slightly different tones that get mixed inside your brain. The tones can be, for example, 400 Hz and 410 Hz. When these are mixed together, the result is a 10 Hz binaural beat." So one ear hears 400, and the other hears 410, and your brain hears 10. This is mainly used to help with meditation or sleep, by getting the brain to synch up with frequencies used in those activities:

You don't have to do binaural beats, however, you can select "adjust left and right separately" in the sound tab, found in the "preset options" under the tab "Wave." And just set left and right to the same frequency, then just play it in your speakers and not headphones, and see what happens. Here are some frequencies for you to experiment with:
UT - 396 Hz - Red - Liberating Guilt and Fear
RE - 417 Hz - Orange -Undoing Situationa and Facilitating Change
MI - 528 Hz - Gold - Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
FA - 639 Hz - Green - Connecting/Relationships
SOL -741 HZ - Blue - Awakening Intuition
LA - 852 Hz - Purple - Returning to Spiritual
OH/AUM = 136.1 Hz ("The OM sound corresponds approximately to the C sharp in the small octave of the present day tuning system (136 Hz) and corresponds to the 32nd octave tone of the Earth year. In reverse order it means, that by lowering 136 Hz tone by 32 octaves, the resulting frequency will be as slow as the amount of time it takes the Earth to circle the sun.")
Atoms on your body: 1015 hz ("We have to imagine the huge amounts of atoms we consist of. They oscillate at a rate of 1015 Hz and disappear and reappear at their own rate and we have no chance to notice such rapid phenomena. Further more it is very unlikely that all the atoms in our body vibrate synchronously or coherently; presumably only parts or areas are blinking on and off gradually. The key to higher consciousness seems to consist in coherency - to be one. Spiritual masters from different traditions have stated the necessity of being one unit.")
The corresponding Earth notes and concert pitch will accordingly be:
The average day Western pitch G 388.4 Hz 25th octave
The year India pitch C sharp 272.30 Hz 33rd octave
The Platonic year China pitch F 172.06 Hz 47th octave
Boswellic Acid (anti-inflammatory) 66, 116, 165 Hz
Lutein (vision, immune system) 75, 116, 165 Hz
Mild Pain Reliever type one- 24, 56 Hz
Mild Pain Reliever (acetaminophen) 54, 89 Hz
Mild Pain Reliever (aspirin)- 104, 124 Hz
Mild Pain Reliever (ibuprofen)- 65, 94 Hz
Mild Pain Reliever (naproxen) 46, 85 Hz
Reishi Mushroom (immune system-memory) 81, 131, 184 Hz
Rheumatoid Arthritis- 58, 85, 132 Hz
Rhodiola (depression, memory) 136, 164, 233 Hz
Stiff Joints and Muscles- 45, 69, 102 Hz
Stress and Anxiety- 49, 79, 109 Hz
Valerian and Passion Flower (sedative) 115, 175, 225 Hz
French sound healer Fabien Maman suggests that the different notes resonate with the different glands in the body:
C adrenals;
F gonads;
B pineal;
D thymus;
G pancreas;
E pituitary;
A thyroid.
Sun = Frequency of the period of revolution: 32 312 Hz.
Planet Orbiting period (days) Frequency in Hz.in the 36th octave approximate chromatic tone:
Mercury 87.96 9041 c#-d in the 9th octave
Venus 224.70 3539 a in the 7th octave
Earth 365.242 a tropical year 2177 c#-d in the 7th octave
Mars 686.09 (about 2 years) 1157 c# in the 6th octave
Jupiter 4332.59 (about 12 years) 183 f# in the thired octave
Saturn 10759.21 (about 30 years) 73 d in the second octave
Uranus 30689.6 ca. 84 years 25 g# in the 0 octave
Neptune 60183.6 ca. 165 years 13 below c in the 0 octave
Pluto 90740.5 ca. 248 years 8 c an octave below
Here's a mantra to try too, it reminds me of the alien-hybrid girl in V:The Original Miniseries who speaks Sirian and says "Pre-te-nama" which means peace. Here SaTaNaMa is a mantra: "In Yogic Terminology we would relate to these 5 frequencies as the 5 primal sounds which are Sa, Ta, Na, Ma, Ah, corresponding to: Life, Death, Infinity, and Rebirth. Ah is inherent in each of the sounds of Sa, Ta, Na, Ma. The Biij Mantra, Sat Nam which means "True Name" or "Truth is God's Name" is the only Biij, (pronounced biege as in siege) mantra that can totally erase unwanted subconcious negative habit patterns that we may have picked up from childhood and are no longer needed or wanted. This mantra has the power to change one's destiny if practised for 31 minutes per day for 1000 days." Yikes, that's almost 3 years! Notice how precise it is, 31 minutes, can't miss a day for 1,000 days; who's willing to try? :D
Wierd, I was just messing around with the brainwave thingy, using a steady beat of 7hz, and I was able to hum to a resonant frequency. I started humming low then increased my hum frequency and the 7hz ringing began to slow down and them stop altogether! There was no apparent sound but my hum. Kinda like when people lie in the Kings Chamber in the Great Pyramid and hum. Interesting stuff... anyways, I gotta get to sleep now, have fun experimenting.